In contrast to the hard sciences like Physics and Chemistry, Organizational Behavior (OB) is a Social or soft science that is specifically focused on people and processes at work. OB studies the relationships between operational effectiveness and employee needs and how differing factors like job satisfaction, organizational commitment and job involvement relate.
Management while a key component of the study of Organizational Behavior does not in and of itself comprise the whole of OB. Management in fact deals with achieving the goals of OB through the people and resources of the organization. Manager`s jobs in the 21st century have changed from what they were previously (& the rate of change is increasing significantly with Generation Y) however and have taken on more of a focus towards coaching, mentoring and conflict resolution.
Values are enduring beliefs that a person has and they help drive their behavior and actions. Values are considered either Instrumental or Terminal.
- Instrumental Values – how do you achieve the goals in your life?
- Terminal Values – what are your life goals?
Read a detailed description of the information presented at the links below:
Locus of Control
- Internal Locus of Control – personal behavior drives specific behaviors and they are responsible for their own life.
- External Locus of Control – environment controls behaviors and outcomes are driven by forces beyond their control.
Employee behaviors are shaped by –
- Achievement – people high in this area tend to go into business for themselves if not properly motivated.
- Affiliation – people high in this area tend to like groups and greater involvement.
- Power – generally of two types (1) personalized and (2) socialized. Socialized is the better of the two as it can help energize a team and organization. A “bad” example of personalized is a Machiavellianism personality. This type of person has the urge to control, manipulate or influence others to achieve one’s personal ends. The high-Mach individual thrives and embraces fluid, unstructured organisational circumstances.
Job Satisfaction
Composed of various different factors, job satisfaction is not directly related to performance but rather has a complex relationship which is determined by the availability of intrinsic and extrinsic rewards.
Read a detailed description of the information presented at the links below:
Organizational Commitment and Job Involvement
How hard will someone work on the behalf of their company? This is a description of Organizational commitment. This doesn’t happen as quickly as Job Satisfaction, but it lasts longer once formed – although it can be impacted by economic situations (job losses and redundancies in the firm).
While organizational commitment is a positive, an employee that does not show this behavior can still have job involvement and as such will not be as negatively impacted by redundancies.